Does delta 9 help with pain?

THC delta-9 is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis and, to a lesser extent, in hemp. However, Delta 9 is also known for its therapeutic properties, such as its ability to help people with pain, sleep disorders and lack of appetite. Central neuropathic pain is difficult to treat, but delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-THC) may be a promising therapeutic agent. We administered an average of 7.5 mg of delta 9-THC to 172 patients for 7 months.

Of these, 48 patients retired prematurely due to side effects, insufficient analgesics, or treatment expense. Therefore, 124 patients were evaluated retrospectively in a multicenter telephone survey. The reported changes in pain intensity, recorded on a numerical rating scale (NRS), the pain disability index (PDI), the abbreviated medical outcomes (SF-1), the deterioration of quality of life due to pain (QLIP), the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) and the amount of concomitant analgesics were recorded. Psychometric parameters (PDI, SF-12, QLIP, HADS) and pain intensity improved significantly during treatment with delta 9-THC.

Opioid doses were reduced and patients perceived THC therapy to be effective with tolerable side effects. However, about 25% of patients did not tolerate the treatment. The success and tolerance of the treatment can be evaluated by a transient assessment of delta 9-THC and its administration maintained for several weeks. This survey demonstrates its potential for improvement for the treatment of chronic pain in central neuropathy and fibromyalgia.

Therefore, complementary treatment with delta 9-THC as part of a larger pain management plan may represent a promising co-analgesic therapeutic option. Every person experiences the hallucinatory effects of Delta-9 in a different way. People who aren't looking to get high prefer to take advantage of the medicinal benefits of Delta 8 for wellness. The Delta 8 may give you a sense of euphoria, but it won't put you in a mind-boggling couch lock.

It puts you in a relaxed and peaceful state that makes you happy and reduces pain. Delta-9 can cause anxiety and paranoid delusions. It can be used to relieve chronic pain, but it can also cause panic attacks and anxiety that can last for hours. Delta 8 is a better choice for pain relief.

It can help you eliminate pain and anxiety, and it can also increase productivity and clearer thinking. Delta 8 is legal at the federal level, although state laws may differ. This makes it easier to access than the Delta-9.You can buy it online or in stores. It's legal in 39 states and Delta-9 in 11 states.

Online retailers can ship Delta 8 products anywhere in the country. You can ship Delta 8 products to any state as long as it's legal. The Food and Drug Administration has approved some THC-containing drugs to treat medical conditions. For example, experts use a synthetic form of delta-9 THC to create dronabinol (Marinol), which they use to stimulate appetite in people with HIV, people receiving chemotherapy, and people with anorexia.

In particular, the Pain Disability Index (PDI), Quality of Life (QLIP) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) improved significantly in response to treatment with delta 9-THC. Once the extraction, filtering and distillation process is finished, you will have Delta 8 THC ready to use. A number of practical and ethical issues have been raised due to its possible abuse; however, in the meantime, delta 9-THC is legally available for medical treatment around the world (U.S. USA, Europe, Africa).

Patients with chronic central pain reported a maximum pain intensity of 8.7 ± 1.7 (inflammatory pain) and 9.3 + 1 (traumatic pain) before treatment with delta 9-THC, but of 4.9 + 2.4 (inflammatory pain) and 5.3 + 1.7 (traumatic pain) after treatment with THC, respectively (see table). In addition, patients' pain-related inability to perform their daily professional work was reduced from an average score of 7.6 ± 2.3 before treatment to 5.2 ± 2.7 after delta 9-THC. It is important to note that, in this context, treatment with the 9-THC delta also improved health-related quality of life, as indicated by the PDI and SF12 scores. The vast majority of patients (92%) evaluated delta 9-THC therapy as effective and accepted its administration as a co-analgesic.

This may seem like a disadvantage, but many people believe that Delta 8 THC is more potent than Delta-9.In addition, patients were asked to evaluate possible changes in symptoms resulting from treatment with delta 9-THC. Administering a delta 9-THC supplement to the current painkiller did not impair treatment; rather, patients were able to reduce painkillers, especially opioid intake. Before the administration of delta 9-THC, mild pain was recorded in n %3D 2 patients (2%), moderate pain in n %3D 7 (6%), severe pain in n %3D 24 (19%), very strong pain in n %3D 71 (57%) and the worst imaginable pain in n %3D 20 (16%) (see Figure 1 (a)). Similarly, patients with inflammatory pain reported an average pain intensity of 7.6 ± 1.7 before treatment with THC and 4.2 ± 1.9 after treatment with delta 9-THC.

To fully understand the effects of Delta 8 on pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties, more research is needed, especially in humans. Since pain memory is a crucial mechanism for maintaining pain perception, these experimental data may be important in explaining the beneficial effect of delta 9-THC in the treatment of patients with chronic pain. .